Resources for
Health and Wellbeing Coaches

Malnutrition Pathway Primary Care Network Portal


Health and Wellbeing Coaches use health coaching skills to support people to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become active participants in their care so that they can reach their own health and wellbeing goals. They play an important role in supporting patients with long term conditions as well as assisting those at risk of diabetes, who require weight management advice and who have been diagnosed with cancer. Many of these patients’ groups will be at risk of malnutrition.

Health and Wellbeing Coaches can offer general healthy eating advice and assess cooking skills as well as assisting those at risk of malnutrition to implement personalised health and care plans. They can assist by:

latest primary care network events

The Malnutrition Pathway has produced a useful list of questions to help you obtain information. It can assist you in selecting the most appropriate course of action and dietary advice resources for the individual GO TO QUESTION SHEET

The British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) has a useful ONLINE SCREENING TOOL It can be used with individuals who are experiencing unexplained weight loss or are experiencing a loss of appetite/poor appetite and not eating well. It is simple to follow: enter the individual’s current weight and height and the weight they were 3 – 6 months ago before falling ill or losing weight. All the calculations are made for you and it gives advice on next steps. It should be noted that whilst Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indicator of malnutrition, excess body weight does not guarantee protection from disease-related malnutrition. As two thirds of the population are now overweight or obese, it is important that unexplained weight loss and impaired intake are recognised as a marker of malnutrition.

The Malnutrition Pathway has a number of useful leaflets that can be given to patients:

the Malnutrition Pathway Green Leaflet, low malnutrition risk, Eating Well

GREEN: Eating Well for those at low risk of malnutrition; how to eat a balanced diet.


YELLOW: Your Guide to Making the Most of Your Food for those at medium risk of malnutrition; how to fortify foods.


RED: Nutrition Drinks (known as oral nutritional supplements) for those at high risk of malnutrition and who have been prescribed oral nutritional supplements. This leaflet gives advice on how best to incorporate oral nutritional supplements into the diet.


There are also specific leaflets for patients with COPD: